News | Women in Technology Peru

WIT Perú
6 min readNov 9, 2020

Last tuesday, September 1st, we were invited to participate on an event about “Women on innovation and entrepreneurship” from First Tuesday. Who were the women with the innovative power? Camila González — Director of Mujeres del Pacífico (Women of the Pacific) y Mariana Costa — Co Founder and Director of Laboratoria. Both startups are successful and have a great technological impact, that’s why I didn’t want to refrain from sharing their experiences and advice so you don’t think it twice and encourage you to jump into the boat of Innovation and Entrepreneurship! Camila: Unity is strength: Don’t be afraid to share your idea, what if someone else helps you on your venture? What about they help giving it a more impacting approach? Don’t be afraid, the worst that can happen is that it becomes an anecdote. Take advantage of information access: Currently, the use of Information Technology allows us to connect with different companies and communities. It let us learn online and that would help center your objectives and realize your venture. Dare to fail: Don’t be afraid, risk it with your idea, we are humans and not robots. If we are wrong and we fall, let’s shake the dust away and keep on going, “The road is long” anyway. Identifícate: We are a country with different improvement opportunities. Don’t wait for a startup á-la Google or Apple, we count with a lot of different resources from the ones your idols had across the pond. Mariana: While Mariana spoke about all those experiences when she hit a wall to keep on going forward with her project,…

Not so long ago, I watched Elizabeth K. Joseph presentation at Ubucon2015, where she talked about how to build a career in the world of free and open source software. Among the resources listed, she mentioned the “10 Tips for Women in Technology (and Everyone Else)”, and because it has become usual that we are asked for advice on how to become successful working in a technology-related career, I believe that the list will be a lot of help for every person that wants to take the most out of their career in this awesome world that is technology. You can read the original article…

Last Wednesday, July 15th, we had our monthly #WiTMeetup. We were visited by the girls from MacTec, an international initiative that is aimed to provide excellency in education on science to peruvian girls, in order to set up the first generation of scientific and innovative women. Here you have their presentation that displays interesting statistics on science and the perception girls have on it. Always looking for new and public interest issues, in July, we focused the meetup on #OpenData. Milagros Salazar, Director at Convoca, shared her experience in the intelligent use of data on investigative journalism in order to serve the citizens and strengthen democracy. We also had Juan Carlos Gonzales, from Laravel Perú, who explained the importance of web scrapping techniques nowadays. He showed a set of tools that could help us in the process as well, which you can check out on his presentation. For more information about Convoca, we invite you to take a look at the following presentation and to see their work in action, check out their Map of Environmental Offenses (in Spanish). Thanks everyone for being with…

Jessica Cotrina tells us about her experience applying for the Grace Hopper Conference Scholarship Grant. She has wont his year and will have the opportunity to go to Phoenix and attend this international conference. Here it goes an invited blog post. — Hello everyone. I currently study Systems Engineering at Universidad Privada del Norte-Cajamarca. A few months ago; to be precise, in January; some information was published about a very important event: the Grace Hopper Conference. Grace Hopper Conference is the biggest celebration in the world for women in computing. It is produced by the Anita Borg Institute and presented in association with ACM. I did not hesitate and applied for the grant. The one that applies to students. It needs some personal information, but the most important part is writing an essay. The essay should contain expectations about why you want to go; but the important part is to be able to describe what you are currently doing. If it is a project, the impact that it has over your city or the environment it is being developed on. Then you have to upload recommendation letters from people that know you in person. The other part was the presentation of a poster, where I added that I am working on a project called TECHMIN (Technology and Mining). I commented on the development of the project and the impact it has. The contest held to evaluate the presentation of the poster and the application for students was evaluated internally by people from all around the world. Now I have the opportunity to receive a Scholarship grant and go to…

Women in Technology Peru is happy to announce that we have received a grant to do Teen Peru PyCamp from the Python Software Foundation. This grant will allow us to organize a one-day PyCamp event in Lima, Peru. The event will be targeted to teenagers, and will introduce 20 teenagers to Python as their first programming language. Women in Technology Peru wants to acknowledge Julia Elman, organizer of Teen Tech Camp 2013 for her support and her mentorship to submit this grant, and to the Python Software Foundation for the opportunity to organize this event in Perú, Thank you all for your…

Thanks to the support from the Latinas in Computing community, Women in Technology Perú could obtain two acceptances for the Grace Hopper conference, to be held in Arizona, USA in October 8th — 10th, 2014. The accepted presentations are: Lighting talk: Building the first Women in Technology community in Perú Poster: Building the first Women in Technology community in Perú Andrea Villanes, who is in charge of International Relationships for WiT Perú, will be travelling to Arizona to present representing Women in Technology Perú. When asked about it, Andrea said: “We are very happy for being able to participate in this conference. Sharing the information on how WiT started is very valuable for people from other countries who are looking to do the same and helps us learning too. The feedback on our proposals has been very good, and that has given us a lot of encouragement to keep doing things well”. On that matter, we would like to congratulate Rocio Arellano, a Women in Technology Perú volunteer, who also got a poster accepted for the conference. Her poster “Increasing success in technology workshops by incorporating team building activities”, incorporates her experience as a volunteer for WiT on Reaching Out Perú, and other events like the Rails Girls Lima. We will keep you updated on our activities this year in the Grace…

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WIT Perú

Women in Technology Peru | Más mujeres en tecnología